Page 23 - 09 The Trumpets
P. 23


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

               soul; he disdained to imitate the luxury of the

               vanquished;  but  he  indulged  the  sterner

               passions of anger and revenge. The ambition

               of Genseric was without bounds and without

               scruples.” “The experience of navigation, and

               perhaps,  the  prospect  of  Africa”  placed  the

               Vandals on the sea. They were at first invited

               into  Africa  by  Count  Boniface,  one  of  the

               Roman  generals.  The  fatal  step  had  been

               taken.  The  enemy  once  in  Africa,  Rome  was

               confronted by a most formidable foe. It was in

               431  that  the  Vandals  crossed  the  Straits  of

               Gibraltar.  A  few  years  later,  they  were  sole

               possessors  of  Carthage  and  northern  Africa.

               Rome  could  ill  afford  to  lose  her  African

               possessions;  for  they  furnished  both  wealth

               and  food  to  the  cities  of  Italy.  Nevertheless
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