Page 19 - 13 The Great Controversy
P. 19
Stephen N. Haskell
“Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
hand” Revelation 22:10.
together; and Lucifer, the covering cherub,
grew jealous because he was not admitted
into the eternal councils of the Two who sat
upon the throne. He, the light-bearer, standing
so close to God that he reflected the glory of
the throne, allowed jealousy to rankle in his
heart. For the first time, the harmony of
heaven was broken. The discord spread; and
when love failed to win, Lucifer and his
followers were cast beyond the gates of
heaven, and Satan was permitted to make the
earth his abiding place. Justice called for
death; but Mercy pleaded for a testing of the
principles upon which the divine government
was founded. The rainbow about the throne
promised long-suffering. The charge was
made that God ruled with an arbitrary hand.