Page 21 - 13 The Great Controversy
P. 21


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

               offerings to the gate of Paradise. Among the

               sons of God who gathered there, Satan came

               also. Satan was a son of God by creation, and

               likewise, because of the earth over which he

               had  usurped  power,  and  bore  sway.  As  a

               representative  of  the  earth,  he  claimed  the

               right to meet at the gate. There, in the midst of

               the heavenly assembly, he stood an accuser of

               the  brethren.  The  case  of  Job  and  that  of

               Joshua are examples of the complaints which

               he  brought  against  the  government  of  God.

               Over and over again, angels had listened to the

               accusations  made  against  the  men  of  earth.

               When  Christ  was  living  here  as  a  man,  the

               heavenly host watched the deep-laid plots for

               His overthrow; they saw the jealousy among

               Jewish rulers, the cruelty of the Romans; and
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