Page 2 - Lansdowne Gardens Newsletter Spring 2018
P. 2
From David
"You can cut all the flowers, but you cannot keep
Spring from coming." Pablo Neruda
The arrival of Spring brings with it the opportunity
for more exciting outings for our residents. We Residents enjoying the Cherry Blossom Festival
have outings to the Mosman Club for lunch or a
tour of the Sydney Tramway Museum. For those
Residents unable make the outings we have some
great in-house entertainment. A note for the diary Housekeeping
is Pets on the Lawn, on Sunday 16th September.
Jackie, myself and our team are excited with the Accounts
plans for our newly upgraded and refurbished
residence. In the coming months we will be Moving forward, all Accounts will now be handled from
introducing some exciting new technologies in to our Accounts team, at West Street. However, please
the residence, including WiFi throughout the contact David Clark directly should you have any Account
common areas, sonos which will play music queries:
throughout the dining areas and common spaces,
along with the opportunity for you to be able to
log on and make menu choices for your loved Laundry
ones. There will also be a computer station where
you can Skype your loved ones when you are not Just a brief reminder to ensure that all new clothes
able to visit as often as you would like. During the brought in for your loved ones are correctly labelled
refurbishment Catherine and her lifestyle team before they are left in the wardrobe. This can be done by
have additional outings arranged for residents. leaving the clothes with the Registered Nurse on duty,
These include extra bus outings or a stroll for a who will send them to the Laundry for labelling. We have
coffee and cake. Jackie and myself are extremely a large number of unlabelled clothes in our Laundry. If
conscious to ensure that all our Residents are not you think your loved one may be missing items of
impacted by the refurbishment. Should you have clothing, please contact us. Please feel free to drop by
any queries or concerns please feel free to speak level B2 and take a look through the rack.
to me at any time.
As many of our residents still receive mail and in
most cases are unable to open and understand the
contents, we would suggest considering a
redirection to a family member or friend via
Australia Post. For those residents who are able to
handle their own mail, we are only too happy to
continue to deliver it to them. Until next time…
David Clark, Residential Services Manager