Page 3 - Lansdowne Gardens Newsletter Spring 2018
P. 3
Feature Article & News from Cranbrook Care
Lansdowne Gardens Manns Avenue will undergo a
major refurbishment project commencing in
August 2018.
By Tanya Austin
A significant guiding factor in the decision to undertake a
major refurbishment was ongoing feedback from the Cranbrook at Home helps you live life to the
residents over the years that the residence was too dark. fullest in the comfort of your own home.
The project will include re-painting of the whole residence a
lighter hue of white and an overhaul of the in-ceiling Cranbrook at Home is the latest addition to
lighting; which will be fully dimmable. The other changes Cranbrook Care, offering a bespoke private
include the installation of a new, lighter-shade of carpet in home care service with an extra helping hand
all corridors and suites, new bedheads and footers, custom- around the home.
woven bedspreads and custom-designed wool throws,
bedside tables, visitor chairs, coffee tables and custom- Tanya comes to Cranbrook Care with over 20
designed wall lights. In the contemporary suites, there will years’ experience in aged care. Since migrating
be new bronze handles on the cupboards, and new to Australia from America nearly 10 years ago,
champagne coloured cover plates on the light switches. All Tanya has primarily worked in home and
cupboards will be restored (in the suites' and ensuites' community care on Sydney’s North Shore. She is
vanities), and new tapware will be installed. A new top-of- passionate about helping older Australians and
the-line camera on the roof will also be installed, so that their families understand their care options and
listening to the radio will be greatly enhanced for the then assisting them to make the choice that is
residents. right for their unique needs. As a local resident
herself, Tanya is excited to help Cranbrook At
Home clients stay connected to their local
community. “I’m excited that our Cranbrook At
Home clients now have the added benefit of
access to the lifestyle services at beautiful
Lansdowne Gardens. Cranbrook At Home clients
can participate in social activities at Lansdowne
Gardens such as Jazz on the Green, receive
beauty services in their exclusive salon or even
choose to have therapy services such as
physiotherapy and hydrotherapy at Lansdowne
Garden’s Reflections Wellness Centre".
Cranbrook At Home is currently available in
Sydney’s lower North Shore and does not
require an ACAT assessment or referral to get
A new Café Point in the Piano Lounge will be built, with started. If you would like to learn more about
complimentary morning tea, baked in the kitchen daily. The Cranbrook At Home and how we may be able to
public toilets will receive an exciting makeover, too. We will assist you or your loved one, please feel free to
be adding Wi-Fi throughout the residence and a new Sonos give Tanya a call.
system will be installed in the lounge and dining areas for
those who enjoy listening to music. We are also putting in Contact Tanya Austin on:
Crestron panels with the televisions. These panels can be
used to control all aspects of the lounge televisions. The Phone: 02 9458 9950
entire refurbishment process is expected to take about Email:
three months. To minimise the impact on everyone, we will
be staging the works in small areas. Suites will be grouped
into sections of six, and we will be completing each group of
suites within five days before moving to the next area. We
are very excited to be undertaking these major changes and
look forward to seeing the results in a few months' time!