Page 6 - Lansdowne Gardens Newsletter Spring 2018
P. 6
Chicken Pie with Cooking
Spring Vegetables
with Ashley, Group Executive Chef
Spring is upon us!
Ingredients: Method:
My favourite time of year! It’s a time
when the days start getting longer, 2kg chicken thigh fillets, diced 1. In a large pot, sweat the
the garden starts to change colour onion, fennel, celery & leeks,
and the kookaburras get louder. I’ve 2 heads fennel, 2 onions, 4 celery gently in the butter until soft
selected a dish that is new to the sticks & 1/2 leek, all diced
menu at Lansdowne Gardens. A “Pie 2 tbspn minced garlic 2. Add the chicken. Cook for
of the Day” was put on the menu, at approx. 5 minutes, then add
the request of a number of very 250g mushrooms, diced garlic
passionate residents. Every Saturday (optional) 3. Continue to cook & then add
at lunch there is a different flavoured chicken stock
pie, that we make from scratch. The 2 cups peas
fillings are quite traditional; from 4. Simmer for 15 minutes, careful
braised steak & onion, lamb shank & 2 bunches asparagus, cut 1cm not to burn
vegetable; to chicken & leek. This pieces
recipe works for a family size pie 5. Add the cream and return to
made in a deep dish or flan tin, to be 100g butter simmer
put in the middle of the table and
shared. Serve with new potatoes and 1 litre chicken stock 6. Add salt to taste
steamed greens; or with french fries. Corn flour
For the pastry, I highly recommend 7. Dilute the corn flour with a
Careme pastry products available at 1 cup cream little water, stir until thickens
most good deli's.
Chopped parsley & chopped 8. Add the peas, asparagus and
Bon Appetit! tarragon herbs
Salt to taste 9. Allow to cool, then place in