Page 4 - Lansdowne Gardens Newsletter Spring 2018
P. 4

         Health & Wellbeing

         Food for the Soul

         Our dietary requirements change as we age — our      There is research that highlights that eating with others
         metabolism slows down and our energy requirements    promotes healthy eating, and emotional health. At
         decrease. Ageing makes us prone to conditions such as   Cranbrook Care, we believe the lively and social
         Diabetes, Hypertension, Cardiovascular Disease and   environment during mealtimes is just as important as the
         muscle wastage. It is therefore important that older   quality of the food being served, with meal times being
         persons make sure that they eat regular nourishing meals   an ideal opportunity for residents to make new
         to maintain their health and wellbeing. At Cranbrook   friendships and lessen the loneliness common among
         Care, we provide a variety of nutritious and healthy meals   seniors. We cater for residents that don’t want to always
         for our residents, who greatly benefit from the variety of   have their meals in the dining room, so there is the
         food on offer.                                       option to dine in their own rooms, in a sunny spot on the
                                                              terrace, by the fire on a winter’s evening, or in one of the
         How Much Should I Eat - What is a Balanced Diet?     many lounges. Special celebration meals or meals to be
                                                              shared while entertaining friends and family can be taken
         Many people become less active as they age. If this is the   in function rooms or private dining spaces, and can be
         case for you, your diet should also change. It is important   ordered online via the website, or in direct consultation
         to get the right amount of food to get the energy and   with the Residential Services Manager.
         nutrients you need. This will help your body to cope if
         you get ill or stressed. A balanced diet includes the   At Cranbrook Care, we cater for our resident’s nutritional
         following:                                           needs meeting the core needs of quality cuisine
                                                              (including “how” food is served to residents) and social
         •  Fruits                                            dining, which are key factors in healthy ageing. Cranbrook
         •  Vegetables                                        Care provides award-winning cuisine, with an á la carte
         •  Grains (for example breads, cereals, rice, pasta, oats)   menu changing with the seasons, and meals prepared by
         •  Meats, poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts, seeds and   onsite chefs using the finest fresh ingredients. Our
             legumes/beans                                    dedicated Food Services Team and onsite Pastry Chef
         •  Milk, yoghurt and cheese                          work hard to ensure residents enjoy nutritious meals –
                                                              with the Executive Chefs designing varied menus in
         Mid meal snacks are a fantastic way to achieve adequate   consultation with an in-house Dietician/Nutritionist. We
         nutrition and hydration for older persons. Many mid meal   tailor meal options to suit residents' personal taste
         snacks provide a good source of calories and additional   preferences, health or allergy requirements.
         protein, as well as assisting with increasing fluid intake.
         For those with a small appetite or who have lost weight,
         mid meal snacks create additional opportunities outside
         of mealtimes for increased nutritional intake. Some ideas
         include: cakes, muffins and loaves, scones, biscuits, slices,
         cheese platters and yoghurt.
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