Page 22 - The Edge - Back to School 2018
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PATH TOWARD FLAWLESS EXECUTION displayed their name tag or rank. e only thing they did was
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 21 talk about their mistakes and successes.
“ ey know that’s the only way that their team will get
better,” Williams said.
ird, identify your available and required resources, using them In analyzing how a mission was carried out, the focus should
to mitigate or eliminate threats, Williams said. “Consider resources be on key events, such as: what happened, how did it happen,
in the following categories – training, leadership, people, clients/ and why did it happen?
customers, scal resources, systems and technologies,” he added. Basically, a debrief zeroes in on what worked and what
e next step is to evaluate lessons learned, and then develop didn’t, Williams said. “At the end of the day, folks, It’s not about
a course of action, like, “Who does what and when? Have a single who’s right. It’s about what’s right.”
point of accountability. Sounds simple, common sense, right? ” He If someone makes a mistake, Williams said, they should say,
recommended brainstorming in separate planning teams. “I made a mistake and I’ll x it.”
Williams then asked: “So, are we ready to execute?” A er a pause, en he asked his AASBO audience: “Is that the kind of
he said, “No. You have to plan for contingencies – the what ifs? What culture you work in?”
could go wrong? e uncontrollable threats.” He also recommended maintaining a culture of debrief.
Those questions should be asked and answered in a calm “Constantly strive for improvement,” Williams said. “Debrief
atmosphere. “Preparation is key to exibility,” Williams said. yourselves and your teams.”
Under BRIEF, Williams recommends looking at the big picture, Before closing he reiterated: “I really do appreciate what you
reviewing the mission objective, identifying threats and resources, do – I know rst-hand a lot of the challenges you face.”
executing a course of action, identifying leaders, and maintaining exibility. Basically, Williams’ rm, A erburner, Inc., has a simple
When it comes to EXECUTE, Williams mentioned checklists and equation that results in awless execution: Plan, Brief, Execute
crosschecks and a possible problem: task saturation or having too and Debrief = Win.
much to do. He suggested mutual support and task shedding.
e DEBRIEF is vital. Debrie ngs that Williams participated Brandon Williams can be reached at Afterburner, Inc. at:
in while in the Air Force were “nameless and rankless.” No one (404) 835-3500.
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