Page 24 - The Edge - Back to School 2018
P. 24

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              According to Woods, regardless of whether McCain was on an     There’s More K-12
            o   cial trip or a vacation, every 15 minutes he would ask: What’s
            next?                                                           Purchasing Power
              Woods recalled his decision to run for Arizona Attorney
            General in 1990. Considered a moderate Republican, Woods            Inside the Star
            di  ered from the Republican Party on many issues, including
            abortion – he’s pro-choice. He asked McCain what he thought,
            and McCain told him, “Let’s do it.” Woods defeated Attorney
            General Bob Corbin in the GOP primary and went on to win two
            full terms as AG.
              “I’ve had quite a ride with this guy,” Woods said of McCain.
              He noted that most politicians tell their audience what they want
            to hear. “   ey don’t want to upset anyone,” Woods said. “   at’s not
            John McCain. I saw that in John McCain. He was the right person
            for our state and for our country.”
                 roughout McCain’s life, he fought for basic rights, Woods
            said, adding, “I guess this is the   nal   ght for John. Actually, he’s
            feeling a little better over the summer.    e prognosis is very, very
            poor. We know that. He is one guy that you never count out. If you
            want to know what his life is all about, it’s duty, honor and country
            – that’s John McCain.”
              McCain has showed that Americans are special. “We don’t need
            to make America great again,” Woods said. “We need to make
            America greater.  We’re not just another country. We’re a special
               To AASBO members, Woods said, “You’re in the education
            business. You have got to make sure these young people understand
            our history.”
              Woods said McCain’s life has been remarkable, adding: “He
            didn’t do this for fame or glory. He did it because he believes in
            America and believes every single human being in the world has
            the right to be free.”
              In the   lm clip that opened the tribute, McCain says: “Before I
            leave I’d like to see our politics return to the purposes and practices
            that distinguish our history from the history of other nations.”
              Immediately a  er the July 21 event, Woods took a copy of the
            tribute to the ailing McCain at the Senator’s family retreat near
            Chuck Coughlin can be reached at: (602) 528-3684.             Better Savings Enable Brighter
            Grant Woods can be reached at: (602) 258-2599.                 Educations with National IPA

                                                                              Step inside the star and view our
                                                                              K-12 o erings at
                                                                                    or (844) 643-3134.

                                                              NatIPA_Arizona Times Edge-F.indd   1                7/30/18   4:48 PM
                                                                                        THE EDGE  |   BACK TO SCHOOL 2018
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