Page 25 - The Edge - Back to School 2018
P. 25


                            BY DON HARRIS

                            Wellness Steps to Make Your

                            School a Healthy Workplace

              Having a wellness program can have a positive e  ect on
            how school employees feel and perform.
                 at’s the advice of Kendall Taylor, Wellness Director for
            Valley Schools, who asked the question: What is healthy?  “Wellness programs help to improve employee
              In a breakout session at AASBO’s Summer Conference and
            Expo, Taylor noted some of the con  icts regarding healthy:   engagement, retention and longevity. By
            “Is it vegan versus paleo, yoga versus running, should we take   creating a culture of health and wellness at
            supplements or do we get enough vitamins from our food,
            organic versus non-organic, and sleep – too much or too    work, it can spread to the home, to friends,
            little?”                                                  and to our children. Focus on you this year.”
              To determine what is healthy, Taylor reviewed the habits
            and cultures of some of the world’s healthiest communities and   — Kendall Taylor, Wellness Director for Valley Schools
            how that can translate to wellness and productivity at work.

                                       CONTINUED ON PAGE 26

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