Page 23 - The Edge - Back to School 2018
P. 23
A Fitting AASBO Tribute to a True
American Hero – John McCain
AASBO capped o its Summer Conference and Expo with
a special tribute to Sen. John McCain, featuring a lm clip “John has lived a life of perseverance. He is
tracing his near-death experiences as a Navy pilot and heartfelt the personi cation of perseverance. When he
recollections from two former aides, Chuck Coughlin and Grant
Woods. took what was likely his last vote in Congress
It was a tting climax to the annual meeting in Tucson with a
theme – Call of Duty – that included two keynote speakers with to oppose the repeal of the American Health
heroic military backgrounds. Care Act, he acted in his conscience. He knew
Coughlin, President and CEO of HighGround, public a airs
consultants, emphasized McCain’s ability to persevere, to keep there was no replacement.”
going. He recalled the rst time he met McCain, who appeared — Chuck Coughlin
in Ohio on behalf of a Republican candidate who Coughlin was
supporting in a heavily Democratic district. It was a long shot, but Grant Woods, who served as Arizona Attorney General from
McCain came anyway. Coughlin was only 22 at the time and it was 1991 to 1999 and now runs Grant Woods Law, said to his AASBO
his rst foray into politics. at’s when Coughlin became aware of audience that one of the great things about public service and
McCain’s demeanor – brusque, short and direct. serving in government is seeing young people come up through
At an event at a VFW hall lled with veterans, Coughlin said the ranks and take over, doing things that you never could have
McCain asked if there were any Marines in the audience. ere done.
were, and McCain, the former Navy pilot, said he prayed for them, Woods was McCain’s rst chief of sta in 1982 when McCain ran
especially on Fathers’ Day, because – and here comes the punch line for Congress. “I was three years out of law school and was a public
– many of them didn’t know their own father. ere was a moment defender in a murder case – an unusual pick for a conservative
of silence. en McCain laughed at his own joke and the audience Republican,” Woods said.
laughed, too. Woods had been told by then-Congressman John Rhodes that a
Coughlin said McCain told of a fellow POW in Viet Nam who guy was coming to Arizona to run for Congress. “No way,” Woods
managed to stitch together an American ag and sew it to the inside said. “When I met him, I was 100 percent sold.”
of his shirt. ey would hang the shirt on a wall and say the Pledge McCain was running against two members of the Arizona
of Allegiance. Guards discovered the ag, took the shirt away Legislature and a kindly veterinarian. e vet distributed 50,000
and beat the POW, but he returned and, barely able to see, began postcards showing him in a white smock looking into a beagle’s
working on another ag. ear. McCain seemed concerned about the impact the veterinarian’s
“He set the bar, and to meet the real deal the rst time out, it’s campaign tactic would have and asked Woods what he thought. “I
pretty remarkable,” Coughlin said of McCain. said, ‘ ank God he’s not a gynecologist.’ McCain howled.”
Coughlin said he moved to Arizona in 1985, and at one point On Woods’ rst day on the job, McCain said he would pick him
McCain joked that “bringing me to Arizona was the worst mistake up at 7 a.m. Woods was surprised, thinking he was chief of sta and
of his political career.” he was supposed to pick up the candidate.
“But I responded, ‘No, your presidential campaign of 2008 was “He loved to drive – terrible driver,” Woods said. New to Arizona,
the worst mistake of your political career.” McCain complained about whether it was Scottsdale Road or Rural
Re ecting on McCain’s struggle with a deadly form of brain Road or whether it was Hayden or McClintock, Woods said.
cancer, Coughlin said, “John has lived a life of perseverance. He is McCain told Woods that he had already hired his sta , something
the personi cation of perseverance. When he took what was likely Woods thought he as chief of sta should do. But Woods said that
his last vote in Congress to oppose the repeal of the American was very good, but McCain responded, suggesting that Woods
Health Care Act, he acted in his conscience. He knew there was no would probably re half of them. “He hired a Hispanic coordinator
replacement.” – turns out he didn’t speak Spanish,” Woods recalled.
Concluding his remarks, Coughlin said, “ anks you Senator
for your public service. God speed. Let our service re ect his
commitment and perseverance.” CONTINUED ON PAGE 24