Page 27 - The Edge - Back to School 2018
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MAKE YOUR SCHOOL HEALTHY organization, 17 percent were more likely to be working there in
one year, and 10 percent were less likely to be hostile.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 26 “How can we do this at work?” Taylor asked.
Residents of a small Costa Rican town have a strong sense of She suggested going to the farthest restroom, parking farther
purpose, drink hard water, and eat a light dinner. away, getting up from your desk or work station every hour and
In a mountain community in Greece, residents tend to their stretch or stand, taking part in community events such as a 5K
garden, walk frequently and eat a Mediterranean diet of fruits, walk, encouraging employees to walk together, creating safe
vegetables, whole grains, beans, potatoes, olive oil, and herbal teas. walking areas or create new paths indoor and outdoor.
In Loma Linda, California, a community of Seventh Day “Sitting eight hours a day can have an impact on your heart,”
Adventists who drink no wine, Taylor singled out two residents. Taylor cautioned.
One is a 97-year-old multi-millionaire doctor who performs 20 She also recommended, “Create a sense of purpose for your
open heart surgeries every month. e other is a 104-year-old employees. Remind them why they are important, o er ways to
woman who still drives to town to volunteer for seven di erent give back to the community, and suggest using teachers’ lounges
organizations. Residents have a strong sense of purpose and or break rooms where employees can relax and interact.
belonging. Taylor stressed the importance of consuming wisely, and
Taylor mentioned a case study in Albert Lea, Minnesota, that recommended bringing lunch to work instead of consuming more
took several healthy-related steps, which included expanded calories by eating out, and having healthier vending machine
walking and bicycle trails, and established so-called Blue Zones for choices.
healthy food in restaurants, grocery stores and vending machines. “Wellness programs help to improve employee engagement,
e results: in nine months the average health care cost retention and longevity,” Taylor said. “By creating a culture of
decreased substantially, absenteeism decreased 27 percent, 25 health and wellness at work, it can spread to the home, to friends,
percent were more likely to have higher job performance, 37 and to our children. Focus on you this year.”
percent were more satis ed with their job, 38 percent were
more engaged, 28 percent were more likely to recommend their Kendall Taylor can be reached at: or (623) 594-
workplace, 18 percent were more likely to go the extra mile for an 4370.