Page 29 - The Edge - Back to School 2018
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PERCEPTIONS AND ELECTIONS Ken Hicks told of an incident in which then-Sen. Debbie Lesko
(now a member of Congress) saw how ESAs (Empowerment
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 28 Scholarship Accounts) could be misused by parents and were
When dealing with policy-makers, you should consider the draining funds from district schools where most children are being
beliefs of various groups, including Mormons, because of their educated. “She said she had never thought of it that way,” Hicks
in uence at the Capitol, she said. said.
Meghaen asked AASBO attendees for their perceptions of the Marcus said it pays o to seek support from conservative
governor, Republicans in the Legislature, Democrats, and the Red Republicans. “You may only get it one out of ten times,” he said,
for Ed teachers’ movement. “but that’s better than none. Our job is to go down there and hit all
Combining their perceptions with hers, Meghaen said when 90 members. Sometimes you can get an advocate out of someone
Doug Ducey became governor four years ago he was viewed as pro you wouldn’t get otherwise.”
charter and he felt that district administrators weren’t spending It was generally agreed that Democrats in the Legislature support
enough money in classrooms. “We showed him, by sitting down public schools. Yet, Meghaen recalled that Democrats opposed a
and talking to him and not being argumentative, and you haven’t $100 million increase in the District Additional Assistance Fund
heard him talk about it since,” she said. because it was proposed by Republicans. “Politics got in the way,”
On Republican lawmakers, their bias against public schools she said. “Republicans nally got the message. We’re in a world of
was mentioned. “Some lawmakers will never change their views,” politics. Our job is to try not to be political and do what’s best for
Meghaen said. “But some Republicans ght for school issues.” the kids.”
She gave several examples, including increased pay for teachers, On the perception of the Red for Ed movement that resulted in
and mentioned as GOP supporters Reps. Darin Mitchell, David a teachers’ strike last spring – certainly a controversial topic with
Cook and Heather Carter. Some lobbyists will automatically opposing views – the rst opinion came from a little girl in the back
avoid very conservative legislators, which Meghaen suggested is a
AASBO 2018 Legislative/State Board of Education Agenda
1. Funding of School Finance Formula – Work with the Governor, Legislature, Superintendent of Public Instruction,
other education groups, and the business community to restore the existing budget cuts to District Additional
Assistance including a timeline for full restoration.
2. Special Program Funding – Work to obtain funding for special education students that reflect the actual cost of
providing mandated educational services by restoring the special education cost study and move to funding all Group A
disabled as Group B students.
3. Current Year Funding - Eliminate or modify the move to current year funding
4. Administrative Reduction – Work with other education organizations and districts to reduce administrative burden
on schools.
5. Transparency and Accountability-Implement comparative financial reports for public (district and charter) schools
including annual expenditure and revenue reports.
6. Renewal of Prop 301- Work with the Governor, Legislature, Superintendent of Public Instruction, other education
groups, and the business community to develop and implement a plan to renew and improve prop 301.
7. Prop 206 Impact – Continue work to obtain modification to the funding formula to reflect the impact of the increased
costs to school districts from the implementation of Prop 206.
8. Increase efforts to provide reports and information to state leaders and the public on the impact of the current school
funding formula on the ability to provide educational services to students.
9. Work with the Arizona Department of Education and school districts to provide accurate data including updates and
corrections to existing reports.
10. When appropriate, provide analysis of the impact of proposed financial legislation on school districts