Page 26 - The Edge - Back to School 2018
P. 26
MAKE YOUR SCHOOL HEALTHY plate before we could play. ere is a sense of guilt when we leave
food on the plate. You should eat your biggest meal at the start of
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 25 the day. You will be burning energy throughout the day. Instead,
For the rst time in human history, Taylor said, children are people eat a small breakfast, if anything at all, something for
projected to have shorter lives than their parents. “ at’s a scary lunch, and a huge meal for dinner. en you relax, and all that
thought,” she added. food gets stored as fat.
Americans spend $110 billion a year on exercise clubs, • Plant Slant. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Eat meat,
supplements, and diets, and $2 trillion a year on medical costs for preferably pork, an average of ve times a month.
preventable diseases, she said. Taking a closer look, Taylor said 84 • Wine @5. One or two glasses a day. at doesn’t mean 14
percent of all U.S. medical costs are due to physical inactivity, food glasses in one day, Taylor said.
choices, portion size, tobacco, and the big one, unmanaged stress. • Belong. Have a faith-based community. Believe in something,
e ve healthiest communities in the world are in California, a higher power, or whatever.
Italy, Costa Rica, Greece and Japan. ey have four common traits • Loved Ones First. eir job and chores are not the pinnacle.
– nutrition, exercise, relationships and mental health. Plus, they It’s their family.
have less disease and on average live longer. • Right Tribe. ey have friends, people they can talk to. at’s
Taylor cited nine factors that healthy people follow. For signi cant in improving mental health. Loneliness is quite a topic
example: these days, Taylor said.
• ey move naturally, without thinking about it. ey grow Here are some speci cs on the ve healthiest places.
gardens, and when practical they walk instead of drive. In Italy, a 102-year-old man still chops wood and rides a bicycle
• ey have a purpose in getting up every morning. at’s very to work. ey take daily walks, their diet is mostly plant based,
important and can add years to your life. they’re wine drinkers, and they laugh a lot.
• Down-shift. We are constantly on the go. Advancing In Okinawa, they have a plant-based diet with smaller plates,
technology forces us to go faster, non-stop. Stress can lead to and they get a lot of sunlight for vitamin D.
chronic in ammation.
• e 80 percent rule. Stop eating when your stomach is 80
percent full. Parents used to tell us to nish all the food on our CONTINUED ON PAGE 27