Page 23 - 70th Annual Conference & Exposition
P. 23
JULY 21, 2O23
JULY 21, 2O23
Breakout Session VI
out Session VI
Friday 10:00 am to 10:50 am
601: Visions - User Definable Forms
601: Visions - User Definable F orms 603: Common Issues F aced b y
603: Common Issues Faced by
oodservice Professionals in R
Track: Accounting Foodservice Professionals in Rural
During medieval times it was called Ambidexter- Ariz ona
ity! We know it as Conflict of Interest. What is Track: Child Nutrition
it? Why do we need District staff, our governing The district, be it urban or rural, could never
boards, and external evaluators to disclose any endure without the cooperation from a friend.
potential conflicts of interest they might have Ye are not alone. This session, our friends will
related to District business? See how we col- show us how to navigate the complexities when
lect Conflict of Interest Disclosure forms within serving our distant lands.
iVisions and don’t let this double-edged sword Presenters
catch you or your District off guard! This form, Karen Moore, SNS - Shamrock Foods
and so many others can be created within Vi- Tami Hitt-Wyant - Aspin / Mohave
sions to be filled out and routed through the Cori Hensley - Arizona Department of
Presenter Anne Taffe - Lake Havasu Unified School
Diana Kerfoot - Tucson Unified School District
604: Sa ving Money By Solving Y our
604: Saving Money By Solving Your
Districts Facility Systems Overload
Districts F
ystems Ov
y S
Track: Maintenance & Operations
Today Arizona school districts interact with doz-
ens of fragmented software’s and hardware’s to
effectively function. While this is the status quo,
it can result in labor-intensive and often reac-
e Update
School Capital Legislativ
602: School Capital Legislative Update tive or urgent facilities involvement. A school
Track: Business Administration district can run anywhere from 40-60 different
The session is the annual recap of Legislative systems district-wide, each with its own inten-
activities impacting school capital funding and tion of solving a very specific problem or work-
projects in Arizona. Specific topics will include flow. We will walk you through a demonstration
capital funding formulas and appropriations; on what some districts are doing to solve their
School Facilities Board changes; modifications problems with a detailed process called Master
to school district elections requirements; and Systems Integrations (MSI), saving their dis-
significant property tax revisions. If it happens tricts TIME, MONEY, and ENERGY all while im-
during the 2023 Legislative Session and it’s im- proving operational effectiveness.
portant to school capital funding in Arizona we’ll Presenters
discuss it, dissect it, digest it, and hope to make Ben Madsen - Veregy
some sense of it! Thomas Foster-De Oro - Cartwright
Presenters Elementary School District
Randie Stein - Stifel
Chuck Essigs - Arizona Association of
School Business Officials
Carmen Wyckoff- DLR Group
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