Page 28 - 70th Annual Conference & Exposition
P. 28
JULY 21, 2O23
JULY 21, 2O23
Breakout Session VIII
Break out Session VIII
Friday 3:40 pm to 4:30 pm
803: Leadership Skills and Employee
yrinth of T
The Lab
801: The Labyrinth of Travel 803: Leadership Skills and Emplo y ee
Track: Accounting R etention
If travel was only as easy as following SAAM Track: Child Nutrition
but instead it’s complicated and can be difficult Ye may not have to lead an army against the
to navigate. While our travels are not as well Saxons but, Ready your knights for battle. We
known as Arthur’s, we still continually seek to shall ride together as one once more and fight a
find a better path. Our students merely want to mighty foe...turnover.
partake in the joy of performing at Disneyland. Presenters
Our staff only wish to seek the best professional Tyler Ross - Gilbert Unified School District
development to support our schools. Why is a Clayton Macgregor - Gilbert Unified School
seemingly simple task so challenging? Join our District
roundtable to discover some best practices to
maneuver through the travel requirements for
students and staff.
Francie Wolfe-Baumann - Dysart Unified
School District
Sherri Smith - Dysart Unified School
Christina Ulman - Dysart Unified School
802: The Real Stuff - Implementing
802: The R eal Stuff - Implementing
GA SB 96
Track: Business Administration
Get out of the Dark Ages with
GASB96 - Subscription Based Information Tech- 804: Get out of the Dark Ages with
nology Agreements has been dropped in our District-wide Planning!
wide Planning!
laps. We have learned what they are, but now Track: Maintenance & Operations
it is time to implement the new GASB require- District-wide planning is not just about demo-
ment and ensure school districts are coding the graphics. Even if you are not growing, planning
agreements correctly and including them in the can help a district achieve teacher, family and
financial statement presentation. This session community buy-in for all types of projects. Is
will walk through lessons learned through im- your district considering a bond, do you have
plementation, strategies to evaluate agree- multiple schools, do you have multiple proj-
ments and appropriate coding within the USFR ects on one campus, do you have shifting en-
Chart of Accounts. rollment? Then you should consider developing
Presenters a long-term plan for your district. Attend our
Dane Bolden - Glendale Union High School session and learn how with real world examples
District from our district experts.
Aaron Vix - Avix One Consulting Presenters
Robert Jacobson - Laveen Elementary
School District
Scott Thompson - Mesa Public Schools
Tom Dunn - Chandler Unified School District
Jim Lamb - DLR Group
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