Page 27 - 70th Annual Conference & Exposition
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                      FRIDAY’S BREAKOUT SESSIONS
                                           S BREAKOUT SESSIONS
                                                    JULY 21, 2O23
                                                    JULY 21, 2O23
                                                 Break  out Session VII
                                                 Breakout Session VII
                                               Friday 2:30 pm to 3:20 pm
        706: Technology for Education: Tools,
                                                               708: Electric Bus Discussion
        706:   T echnology for Education: T        ools,       708:   Electric Bus Discussion
                Resources and Solutions for K-12s
                R esources and Solutions for K         -12s    Track: Transportation
        Track: Information Technology                          Please join us for a routable story of Crane Ele-
        You’ve  been  speaking  and  we’ve  been  listen-      mentary School Districts Quest for the Holy Grail
        ing!  The  Office  of  Digital  Teaching  and  Learn-  of Transportation Electric School Buses. Legend-
        ing (ODTL) is excited to share statewide trends,       ary knight Gabby Kuzniak will discuss Cranes ex-
        new  tools,  and  innovating  solutions related  to    perience of procuring the buses to implementing
        the use of technology in K-12 education. From          infrastructure and putting the buses on road. If
        cybersecurity  to data  privacy  to  classroom  in-    you are school district that is considering imple-
        novation,  your  input and feedback  continues         menting and electric school bus fleet this would
        to facilitate solutions to meet K-12 technology        help  you  better  understand  all  that  goes  into
        needs. In this session ODTL will share the new-        the planning and implementation across depart-
        est resources and facilitate connections for fu-       ments that needs to take place in order to do so.
        ture and ongoing collaboration.                        Presenter
        Presenter                                                 Gabby Kuzniak - Crane Elementary School
           Kelly Krusee - Arizona Department of                   District
                                                                      School Safet
                                                               709: School Safety from a SWAT
                                                                                       y from a SW
                                                                       Operator Perspective
                                                                       Oper  ator P  erspectiv  e
        707:   Purchasing R     apid R  ounds                  Track: Vendor & Purchasing
        707: Purchasing Rapid Rounds
        Track: Purchasing                                      School safety can be perceived and interpreted
        We  will  be  discussing purchasing-related  hot       in a variety of ways.  Let’s keep it simple and
        topics in a rapid-round format. Participants will      realistic.
        rotate  through  guided  discussions with their  Presenters
        peers facilitated by three experienced purchas-            Steven Johnson - Safe Haven Defense
        ing  professionals.  This  is  a  great  opportunity       Al Moore - Mesa Public Schools
        to network and share ideas on how to manage
        common  issues  regarding  planning  projects
        (getting a seat at the table), managing evalua- 711: Arizona Property Tax BasicsArizona Property Tax Basics
        tion committees  and post award best practices/        Track: Emerging Professionals
        debriefings.                                           For  better  or worse,  Arizona  school funding  is
        Presenters                                             inextricably tied to the  Arizona  property tax
           Claudia Leon - 1GPA                                 system  which is one  of  the  more  complicated
           Rebecca Seifert - 1GPA                              state systems in the country. This session is an
           Jen Stam - 1GPA                                     overview  of property valuations,  property  tax
           Tammy Delgado - Glendale Elementary                 rates, property tax levies, the uses of property
           School District                                     tax revenues and the various entities involved
                                                               in the state property tax system. Be prepared to
                                                               get up close and personal with how this system
                                                               impacts school funding, how property tax shifts
                                                               work and the recently enacted property system
                                                               changes being phased in over the next several
                                                                   Randie Stein - Stifel
                                                                   Jack Leeper  - Stifel
                                                                   Treena Bradley - Roosevelt School District
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