Page 26 - 70th Annual Conference & Exposition
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                      FRIDAY’S BREAKOUT SESSIONS
                                           S BREAKOUT SESSIONS
                                                    JULY 21, 2O23
                                                    JULY 21, 2O23
                                                        out Session VII
                                                 Breakout Session VII
                                               Friday 2:30 pm to 3:20 pm
                                                               704: Safety and Engagement at the
        702: Acquiring, Managing and Disposal
        702:   Acquiring, Managing and Disposal                704:   Safet  y and Engagement at the
               of Real Estate Assets for Arizona
               of R eal Estate Assets for Ariz      ona               R ound T  able: Ov   erlook  ed Progr   ams
                                                                      Round Table: Overlooked Programs
               School Districts
                                                                      and Critical Topics
               School Districts                                       and Critical T   opics
        Track: Business Administration                         Track: Maintenance & Operations
        Join  us  as  we discuss how to  evaluate  school  Learn how to enhance safety programs and en-
        district  properties for  retention,  disposition  or  gage Trust staff in critical safety topics quickly
        lease.   The  session will  also include a  discus-    and effectively. Discover commonly overlooked
        sion regarding the sale of sites that are exempt  safety programs, such as fire drills and emer-
        from election and how to plan for elections to  gency  preparedness,  and  gain  practical guid-
        sell sites which are non-exempt.  We will also  ance on implementing and updating them. Ex-
        discuss how to value,  determine  highest/best  plore various types of hazards and topics, such
        use,  and how to maximize the value of district  as structural issues, water intrusion, air quality,
        properties.                                            and playground safety, and learn practical tips
        Presenters                                             on engaging Trust staff. Gain valuable insights
           Mike Barragan - Glendale Elementary                 from real-world examples of good catches from
           School District                                     districts in the past and ensure a safe environ-
           James Giel - Gust Rosenfeld                         ment for your district.
           Tim Leedy - R.O.I. Properties                       Presenters
           Beth Jo Zeitzer - R.O.I. Properties                     David Frandsen - Arizona School Risk
                                                                  Retention Trust
                                                                   Vince Scarfo - Phoenix Union High School
                                                                   Russell Rohloff - Baboquivari Unified
                                                                  School District

                                                               705: What Really Affects Your Health
                                                               705:   What R    eally Affects Y   our Health
                                                               Track: Human Resources/Payroll
                                                               Evaluating the organizational impact of your dis-
                                                               trict’s selected health benefit offerings can be a
                                                               challenging task.  Awareness of industry trends
                                                               and knowledge of key measures can help your
                                                               district make wise decisions from year to year.
                                                               This session will review topics such as costs &
                                                               renewal increases, medical plan coupons & re-
        703: Are Your Customer Service Skills
        703:   Are Y  our Customer Service Skills              bates, legislation in health care, Affordable Care
               Proficient?                                     Act, family care glitch fix and other legislation,
        Track: Child Nutrition                                 specialty drugs & how they affect plan spend,
        Knights and Ladies! The gift of service is yours       and  Medicare  &  Cobra.  We will  make recom-
        by right. But the outcome we seek resides not in       mendations on how to respond to these trends
        some distant land. It’s in us! And in our actions      so  that  employees  can  move  from  wellness
        on this day! If customer service be our destiny,       plans to wellbeing.
        then so be it. But let history remember that we        Presenters
        yearned to learn and we chose to make it so.”              Elizabeth Glaesman - Kairos Health AZ
        Presenters                                                 Tyler Moore - Higley Unified School District
            Tyler Ross - Gilbert Unified School District           Jennifer Sherman - Kairos Health AZ
               Clayton Macgregor - Gilbert Unified                 Dr. Michael Wright - Blue Ridge Unified School
                    School District                               District
         Page 26                                                   Tanya Edwards - Kairos Health AZ
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