Page 29 - 70th Annual Conference & Exposition
P. 29
JULY 21, 2O23
JULY 21, 2O23
out Session VIII
Breakout Session VIII
Friday 3:40 pm to 4:30 pm
805: Be the Knight in Shining Armor in 808: Creating Safe Accessible
805: Be the Knight in Shining Armor in
808: Creating Safe Accessible
A uditland Communities and Student
Communities and Student
Track: Human Resources/Payroll T r ansportation Solutions for Students
Transportation Solutions for Students
How would you feel if you got the notification Track: Transportation
of a government agency coming to audit your Join us to learn about traffic engineering and
HR department functions? Would you feel cool, planning tools used in school transportation.
calm, collected and fully prepared or would the Topics will include Safe Routes to School pro-
panic set in knowing that you are not sure what grams, analyzing student safety and access to
conditions your files, records, or documentation schools, and building accessible communities.
is in to respond to an audit notification? This Examples of geospatial and business analysis
session will provide insight into ways to stay in will be provided along with a study of special
front and abreast of compliance to better pre- programs placement and routing optimization.
pare you for a potential audit. Attendees will gain a better understanding of the
Presenters value of creating safe and accessible communi-
Laura Elizondo - Buckeye Elementary ties for students, and powerful tools to better
School District understand school typologies and student trans-
Teresa Wong - Buckeye Elementary School portation solutions
District Presenters
Kevin Shipman - Dysart Unified School
806: Learn how to use Business District
Learn how to use Business
Continuity Plan (BCP) and I.T.
Continuit y Plan (BCP) and I.T . Yung Koprowski - Y2K Engineering
Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)
Disaster R eco v ery Plan (DRP)
Track: Information Technology
Having both a BCP and an I.T. DRP allows schools,
operation support departments and I.T. staff to
work together through organized chaos. During
an I.T. service outage, teachers should continue
to teach, students should continue to learn, and
operation support departments should continue
to operate. No one should raise their arms and
ask what do I do now.
Eddie Pallanes - Crane Elementary School 810: Leading Through Uncertainty,
Leading Through Uncertaint
vigating Change and Risk
Navigating Change and Risk
Track: Leadership
Procuring Architectur
al Services
807: Procuring Architectural Services This session is for K-12 school business officials
Track: Purchasing looking to enhance their leadership skills and
There are options for procuring architectural navigate through times of uncertainty, change,
services. Learn what those options are, includ- and risk. Through discussions and exercises,
ing Request for Qualifications, contracts not ex- attendees will gain insights into effective com-
ceeding certain amounts, contracts through munication and decision-making within schools
consortiums, and much more. during a crisis. Participants will leave with strat-
Presenters egies that enhance leadership efforts during
Ken Carter - 1GPA challenging times.
Bill Munch - VSMG Presenter
Roger Spivey - Scottsdale Unified Dr. Michael Wright - Blue Ridge Unified
School District School District Page 29