Page 25 - 70th Annual Conference & Exposition
P. 25
JULY 21, 2O23
JULY 21, 2O23
11:15 am to 2:15 pm
11:15 am to 2:15 pm
eynote Address
General Session & Keynote Address
al Session & K
Tucson Ballroom
T ucson Ballroom
One of the world’s most sought-after busi-
ness humorists, Christine delivers a fast-
paced, uproarious program brimming with
memorable quips and relevant content that
helps audiences spark new and innovative
ideas, manage conflict, reduce stress, ener-
gize employees, and create a happier more
productive workplace.
She has earned the Certified Speaking Pro-
fessional (CSP) and Certified Virtual Present-
er credentials. Christine is one of the few
individuals to meet the rigorous induction CARPE CHANGE:
criteria of the National Speakers Associa-
How to Get Along, Get it Done,
tion, CPAE Speaker Hall of Fame, and there’s Ho w t o Get Al ong, Get it Done,
and Ha
ve More F
no question that she deserves that honor; and Have More Fun
her effortless ability to pull in any audience
with her remarkable insights on common-
place situations make her and her messages This fast paced and engaging program
unforgettable. tackles the issues that plague us all. Tak-
Author of the award-winning books, THE ing accountability for our lives regarding
GOOD STUFF: Quips & Tips on Life, Love, people, tasks and stress levels is para-
Work and Happiness and It’s YOUR Busi- mount. Christine will give you practical
ness: Good Stuff for Your Personal, Profes- tips you can use right now not just to
sional, and Funny Business, Christine holds make a living but make a difference in
a bachelor’s degree in Communication and a the face of change.
master’s degree in Adult Education. In 2016,
she was the recipient of an honorary doctor-
ate from Central Michigan University.
Before embarking on her journey as a speak-
er, she worked as a university admissions
officer, corporate trainer, and broadcaster.
She is a mother of two, wife of a “hottie en-
gineer,” and an average golfer.
Note: The First and Second General Session will be-
gin promptly at 11:15 am with luncheon service fol-
lowed by keynote program speakers. Attendees are
requested to be on time and to stay for the entire
session to minimize disruption.
Page 25