Page 24 - 70th Annual Conference & Exposition
P. 24
JULY 21, 2O23
JULY 21, 2O23
Breakout Session VI
out Session VI
Friday 10:00 am to 10:50 am
605: The T rue Costs of Emplo y ee T urn 608: DPS the Latest Strategies and
605: The True Costs of Employee Turn
ategies and
DPS the Latest Str
Ov er Standards
Track: Human Resources/Payroll Track: Transportation
The true costs of employee turnover can be sig- Please join as legendary knight Kimberly Thom-
nificant. Employee loss and new employee on as from the Department of Student Transporta-
boarding causes both financial and intangible tion as she discusses the latest strategies and
effects. In this session we will review the as- standards in safe and efficient school bus trans-
sessed financial and cultural impact of employee portation. We invite all attendees to join us for
turn over and walk through proven strategies this exciting and informative session where we
for improving employee retention in a challeng- will work together to uphold the highest stan-
ing work environment. dards of safety and service for our students.
Presenters Presenter
Bruce Duplanty - Arizona Department of Kimberly Thomas - Arizona DPS
Jamie Wilber - Arizona Department of
Jenna Moffitt - Deer Valley Unified School
607: Partners in Procurement - How to
artners in Procurement - How to
Partner with Your User Groups
P artner with Y our User Groups
Track: Purchasing 610: The Holy Gr ail: Wh y Leaders Should
610: The Holy Grail: Why Leaders Should
Have you ever called one of your schools and Invest in Communications and its
est in Communications and its
they answer ‘Uh oh, what did I do now?’ While
ROI Analysis
the Purchasing Department is responsible for ROI Analysis
maintaining compliance, we can also partner Track: Leadership
with our users to set them up for success. Come Effective communications are some of the most
and get some ideas for becoming a Partner in important tools in your arsenal. Without clear,
Procurement, including rewarding successes, concise and data-driven communications strate-
setting up a mentoring program, and actively gies, your business objectives are at risk for low
seeking ways to recognize users for their hard buy-in and morale, chronic conflict, and reduced
work. productivity. Learning to leverage our individual
Presenters and collective communication strengths, while
Lari Staples - Mohave Educational Services identifying areas for enhancement, creates op-
Cooperative portunities for you and your team to thrive. Join
Cheryl Burt - Buckeye Elementary School us as we unpack must-have communication
District strategies that will equip you and your team for
Laura Szymanoski - Deer Valley Unified long-term success.
School District
Julie Carson - Laveen Elementary Leigh Steele - Valley Schools Management
School District Group
Teresa Wong - Buckeye Elementary School
Page 24 District