Page 449 - NGTU_paper_withoutVideo
P. 449
Modern Geomatics Technologies and Applications
restricted to some special areas. For example, we can't use the GNSS based
methods for determination of Local motion inside a deformable object.
In this context, microgeodesy network of Masjed-Soleyman dam was
designed and established in 2000. This network has been measured in 13 steps
until 2013. The network contains of some sub-network as follows:
1. Off-dam 2D (horizontal) geodetic network consist of 12 pillars
around the dam
2. On-dam 2D (horizontal) geodetic network includes 25 target points
on dam body
3. 3D (horizontal-vertical) network of points consist of 10 target points
on spillway
4. Vertical (leveling) network of points consist of 8 benchmarks off dam
and 27 target points on dam
In these networks, measurements have been made with following
1- Total station Laica model TCA2003 with accuracies of 1mm + 1ppm
for range measurement and 0.5 sec for angle
2- Precise leveling instruments DNA03 with accuracy of 0.3 mm/km
The adjustment of horizontal networks has been made by minimum constraint
least square method in confidence level of 95%. In this adjustment, the
coordinate of point GR3 and azimuth from point GR3 to GL4 have been
assumed to be fixed. Also, for adjustment of leveling network, point BM1-1
has been assumed as fixed benchmark.