Page 462 - NGTU_paper_withoutVideo
P. 462

Modern Geomatics Technologies and Applications

           layer  of  dam  happens  slowly.  It  may  be  as  a  result  of  impoundment  of  reservoir
           immediately after the construction of dam was completed.

           Since the amount of displacement of the dam has exceeded normal limit and the finite

           element  model  also  predicts  the  continuation  of  this  trend,  it's  recommended  that
           monitoring  of  dam  and  its  surrounding  area  would  continuously  done  by  remote
           sensing methods such as InSAR (Emadali et al., 2017). Studies in this field using

           interferometry  and  radar  images  show  the  presence  of  horizontal  and  vertical
           movements  in  the  body  of  dam.  The  displacement  rate  obtained  shows  a  high

           correlation with the values obtained from terrestrial surveying methods (Emadali et
           al., 2017). Sentinel-1 images in the C-band can also be used to study these movements,
           with  the  advantage  of  a  short  revisit  time  of  6  days,  which  reduces  the  effect  of

           temporal  decoloration  on  processing.  In  addition,  the  free  images  will  be  another
           advantage for using these images.

                5.  References :

          1-  1   To  3   Epochs  Of  Masjed-Soleyman  Dam, Geodetic  Deformation   Survey,
              Mahab Ghods Consulting Engineers Co., Tehran, Iran
          2-  4   To  13   Epochs  Of  Masjed-Soleyman  Dam, Geodetic  Deformation   Survey, Ista
              sanj Daghigh Consulting Engineers Co., Tehran, Iran
          3-  Cazzaniga, Noemi Emanuela, Pinto, Livio, Bettinali, Franco Bettinali, Antonella Frigerio,
              Structural Monitoring Withgps And Accelerometers: The Chimney Of The Power Plant In
              Piacenza, Italy

          4-  Daryl L. Logan (2007): "A First Course in the Finite Element Method" ; University of
              Wisconsin –Platteville,Fourth Edition
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