Page 95 - 영문 이성필성지순례여행
P. 95

92     Chungcheong-do  Chungcheong-do                                 93

              78  Missionary Karl Friedrich August Gutzlaff
 77  Appenzeller Memorial Mission Hall
                                (Godaedo Church)
 61 Seoin-ro 225beon-gil, Seo-myeon, Seocheon-gun
                           42 Godaedo 2-gil, Ocheon-myeon, Boryeong-si


            The First Mission Monument
 Appenzeller Memorial Mission Hall  (Boryeong Undersea Tunnel)

                                               alphabet through a Chinese missionary
            “The first Protestant missionary
                                               magazine the following year.
            was the German ‘Gutzlaff’.”
 Appenzeller was a person who gave   the ship which   However, when the Joseon government
 his life to save the lives of Koreans,   Appenzeller took  disallowed trade and demanded him
 and he personally practiced the Bible   The reason I visited Godaedo was to meet   to leave, he had no choice and left
 words he always memorized: “Greater   missionary Guitzlaf who visited Godaedo   Joseon promising future visit. Godaedo
 love has no one than this: to lay down   on July 26, 1832. At that time, missionary   Church was founded on 30 April 1982 by
 one’s life for one’s friends (John 15:13) .”  Gutzlaff is known to have stayed on the   Reverend Kwak Gil-bo. Gutzlaff recorded
            island for 25 days, submitted a petition to   how he felt on that day in the 'Joseon
 Appenzeller Mem
 -orial Monument   the king of the Joseon Dynasty, handed   West Coast Navigation.' “Will God’s
            out evangelical documents and Bible   truth sprinkled on Joseon disappear?
 Maryangjin has been recognized as a location of the Bible’s first arrival in Korea as the   books to residents and taught them how   I don’t believe so. There will be God’s
 record are written in the reference (Joseon Dynasty's Sunjo Annal) . For that reason, the Korean   to cultivate potatoes. He had excellent   grand plan to visit the people of Joseon
 Church built a monument for the Bible’s First Arrival in Korea and Appenzeller Memorial   linguistics and had residents translate the   gracefully. The Bible clearly states that
 Mission Hall here. The Appenzeller Memorial Mission Hall opened to the public to mark   Lord’s Prayer into Korean even during   God blesses even this humble beginning.
 the 110th anniversary of his death with one basement floor and three floors above   his short stay, and he learned Hangul   I hope that sun will rise and the good
 the ground (building area of 350㎡) .  The first basement exhibition room which is the main   himself and introduced the Hangul   time for Joseon will come.”
 exhibition room displays the past, present, and future of Methodist missionary work and
 archives of Mssionary Appenzeller’s life and work and observatory are on the Second
 and third floors. The Chungcheong Annual Conference of the Korean Methodist Church
 visited Appenzeller’s hometown including Lovely Lane United Methodist Church where
 Appenzeller first started as a missionary to Joseon and also found and verified the traces of
 Pastor John Franklin Gautcher, who was a strong supporter of Appenzeller, The Apenzeller
 Memorial Observatory is the closest land to the Apenzeller death site, and is the best place
 to meditate on the spirit and faith of the Apenzeller missionary who has not left a body   Godaedo Church
 through a telescope.            the front view from Godaedo Church
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