Page 192 - New Close Up A2 level 1 -
P. 192

                                                                               Speaking  reference

         Unit  1                                               Unit  5

         Talking  about  yourself                              Describing  my  bedroom
         I'm  from  ...                                        My  bedroom  is  quite  /  really  /  very  /  a  bit  (noisy,  quiet,
         I  live  in...                                        small,  large,  comfortable).
         I've  got  one  sister.  She's  older /  younger  than  me  ...   |  like  /  don’t  really  like  my  bedroom  because  ...
         My  birthday  is  on  ...                             The  walls  are  (white)  and  the  bed  is  (green).
         My  favourite  subject  is  ...                       |  keep  ...  on  a  shelf /  in  my  cupboard.
         In  my  free  time  |  usually  ...                   |  really  love  my  posters  of  ...
         We  usually  go  to  ...                              My  room  is  usually  tidy  /  untidy  because  ...
         My  favourite  food  is  ...
         |  always  (play  football  /  watch  TV)  with  my  dad  /  friends.   Unit  6

         Unit  2                                               Saying  why  you  like  or  don’t  like  a  place
                                                               |  really  like  /  don’t  like  visiting  ...  because  it's  so  /  too
         Describing  a  person                                 (crowded  /  noisy  /  expensive).
         She's  (tall  /  blonde  /  quiet).  He’s  got  (long  hair  /  glasses).   |  prefer  going  to  ...  because  ...
         She  usually  wears  (trousers  /  black).            Saying  what  you  do  in  a  place
         He’s  really  (funny),  but  he  gets  (angry)  if  ...   It's  a  brilliant  place  to  (meet  friends  /  have  lunch).
         He  understands  me /  listens  to  my  problems.     |  often  go  there  to  (buy  clothes  /  have  coffee).
         She  loves  (animals  /  science  /  volleyball).
         He  doesn't  like  (cooking  /  parties  /  winter).   Checking  understanding
                                                               Could  you  repeat  that  /  say  that  again,  please?
         Unit  3                                               Do  you  mean...  or...?

         Giving  opinions  and  reasons                        Unit  7
         I  like  /  don't  like  ...  because  ...
         One  reason  why  like  /  don’t  like  ...  is  ...   Expressing  likes
         |  prefer  ...  to  ...  because  ...                 |  really  love  ...
                                                               |  like  ...  very  much.
         Agreeing  /  Disagreeing                              My  favourite  ...  is  ...
         Me  too!         
         |  think  so  too.                                    Talking  about  the  past
         Yes,  that’s  true,  but...                           Last  year,  |  went  to  ...
                                                               Six  months  ago,  |  saw  ...
         l  like  ...  too.                                    In  the  summer,  we  went  to  ...
         |  also  like  ...                                    Talking  about  future  plans
                                                               Next  time,  |  want  to  ...
         Asking  for  an  opinion                              |  hope  we'll  ...  again.
         What  about  you?                                     |  really  want  to  go  back  to  ...
         Do  you  like  ...?

         Unit  4                                               Unit  8
                                                               Presenting  your  opinion
         Describing  a  picture                                |  believe /  |  don't  believe  it's  a  good  idea  to  ...  because  ...
         This  is  a  picture  of  ...  |  can  see  ...       I  think /  |  don’t  think  ...  is  important  /  useful  /  a  good  idea
         On  the  left,  there  is  /  are  ...                because  ...
         Two  people  are  ...  One  of  them  is  ...
         It  looks  (bright  /  dark  /  friendly  /  busy  /  crowded).   Explaining  results  and  effects
                                                               If  we...  ,  we  can / will...
         Talking  about  your  experience                      It  will  have  a  good  effect  on  ...
         |  once  visited  ...                                 It  will  help  everyone  to  ...
         Last  weekend  /  month  /  year,  we  went  to  ...
         Giving  your  opinion                                 First  of  all,  ...
         |  really  like  /  enjoy  (going  to  restaurants).   Secondly,  ...  /  Thirdly,  ...
         |  think  it's  fun  because  ...                     Finally,  ...
         One  reason | like  ...  is  ...

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