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         Speaking  reference

        Unit  9                                               Unit  11

        Giving  opinions                                      Stating  preferences
        |  enjoy  working  with  other  peaple  because  ...   |  prefer  (summer)  to  (winter)  because  ...
        It's  good  to  work  alone  because  ...             |  prefer  to  (go  cycling  in  the  spring)  because  ...
        |  prefer  (working  outside)  to  (being  in  an  office).   |  don't  like  (hiking  in  the  winter)  because  (it  is  more
        Talking  about  experiences                           dangerous).
        Last  summer,  |  had  a  part-time  job.  |  worked  asa...   Talking  about  possible  situations
        Last  weekend,  |  worked  at  the  (animal  shelter).   If  it  is  raining,  |  usually  ...
        It  was  a  good  way  to  meet  people  and  ...     |  always  ...  if  it  is  sunny  and  warm.
        Talking  about  future  plans                         We  don’t  usually  ...  if  the  weather  is  bad.
        In  the  future,  |  hope  to  ...                    Talking  about  past  experiences
        My  plan  is  to  ...  in  the  future.               Last  winter,  we  went  on  holiday  to  ...
        |  really  want  to  learn  how  to  ...              A  few  weeks  ago,  we  visited  ...
                                                              |  really  enjoyed  my  visit  to  ...  because  ...
        Unit  10
                                                              Unit  12
        Talking  about  positive  points
        It's  a  good  idea  to  ...                          Describing  problems
        It’s  better  to  travel  by  train  because  ...     (Plastic  bags)  are  a  serious  problem  because  ...
        |  think  we  should  all  try  to  (help  the  environment).   They're  bad  for  the  environment  because  ...
        Talking  about  negative  points                      The  problem  with  (paper  bags)  is  that  ...
        Air  travel  causes  a  lot  of  pollution,  so  ...   Reasons  for
        Plane  travel  is  bad  for  the  environment  because  ...   Everyone  should  (recycle  more).
        One  problem  with  the  train  is  ...               We  should  all  try  to  (use  less  plastic).
        Another  possible  problem  is  ...                   Shops  can  help  by  (not  selling  plastic  bags).
        |  think  it  might  be  difficult  to  ...           It’s  a  good  idea  to  (choose  food  without  packaging).
                                                              It's  easy  to  (bring  your  own  bag).
        Giving  your  opinion
        |  think  this  is  a  good  idea  /  plan.
                                                              Reasons  against
        In  my  opinion,  this  plan  is  a  good  idea.      It  may  be  difficult  to  ...
                                                              At  first,  there  could  be  some  problems  because  ...

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