Page 33 - KSTshul Documents
P. 33
Minutes of KST VAAD B”H
November 28,2023 15 Kislev, 5784
Attendees: Sam Kapustin, Kal Feinberg, Marilyn Mack, Jack Martell, Marty Weisberg, Sabine
Himmelfarb, Rabbi Goldin (by phone)
Meeting called to order at 5:15pm
1. Dvar torah- Sam discussed the opinions among various commentators about the statement that
“Esau hates Jacob” based on this week’s Parsha. We can ask how this applies to our relationship
to non-Jews. Some commentators do not agree that this means all non-Jews at all times.
2. Minutes of last meeting were accepted.
3. Membership report - 112 individuals total, which include 55 men and 57 women
4. Finances: Receipts since last report is 68698 shekel, disbursements 21,937shekel. Costs include
rent, kiddush, supplies, Ner Tamid, Insurance, Heaters, Calendars , Shomer, Miscellaneous.
Cash in bank now is around 83000 shekel.
Kal will approach a member who has a sefer Torah and may wish to loan it. We will cover the
cost of insurance.
5. KST Website needs to be promoted so more people use it. People find the printed calendar
6. Shabbat Shaharit time will return to 8:15 by unanimous approval and Rabbinic support.
7. Yomin Noraim next year: Questions raised- Do we need two separate minyanim for seating
needs or to accommodate those who want a Hashkama minyan? If we have a need in terms of
seating space, do we want to accommodate an additional minyan? If some prefer a Hashkamah
on Yamim Noraim and there is no need in terms of space, do we accommodate that request? It
is difficult to find Baalei Kriah, Baalei Tefilla and Baalei Tekia and arrange seating etc. for
separate minyanim. Vaad voted 6 to 1 to not have a separate Hashkamah minyan if there is no
necessity for seating numbers. If there is necessity for seating, this option will be considered at
that time.
8. Chesed Committee – Elly Frankel chairs this committee with volunteer committee members.
Presently the functions will be for bereavement, illness support, etc. The Chesed committee will
be asked if they would like to do special Chesed projects, such as programs for helping evacuees
or soldiers or other Chesed projects. KST will not develop a Charity fund. Daily pushka donations
will continue to go to the Yael Shul tzedakah fund which has a protocol in place for assessing
needs and making sure money is used specifically for those needs.
9. Social/Educational - People seem to have other local educational opportunities and no need for
ongoing KST educational events other than the current weekly shabbat shiur. We will continue to