Page 32 - KSTshul Documents
P. 32

Beit Frankforter requires that we keep the door locked since the police who patrol call
               them when it is unlocked. Occasionally, it is left open by their own staff or other groups

               that use the building, but this is NOT the way it is supposed to be. During the week, they
               have a buzzer to admit people. They have had problems with homeless people entering
               and staying and they remind us that it is supposed to be locked.

               A suggestion was made to have a new mehitza, not what we used last year. Options of
               dividers that can be stored will be explored.

            4.  Membership forms- The forms will be updated so we can maintain needed information
               on members.
            5.  Chesed committee: Deborah Renert and Elly Frankel have agreed to chair this new

            6.  Education committee: We are in the process of getting a chair or chairs for this

            7.  Good and Welfare: Update on possible building sites:
               a.  The empty land behind Derech Hevron buildings is in the process of an application to

                   the city by the EL AD foundation. Sam has let ELAD know that we are interested in
                   joining to have space for a Bet Knesset. It is expected that they will officially be
                   assigned the plot within the next two months, after which we hope to meet with

                   them. The goal for KST is to develop an arrangement with ELAD in some form to be
                   able to conduct services in the new building. At this point, nothing is firm.
               b.  The Djerba Tunisian synagogue is still not an option since the building is unfinished
                   and has no permits for occupancy and safety. The court has gotten involved to evict

                   the illegal squatters who have presently taken over the building.
            8.  Men are encouraged to attend the daily minyan, especially while so many regulars are

        Meeting adjourned:  5:15 pm

        Sabine Himmelfarb
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