Page 27 - KSTshul Documents
P. 27
Minutes of VAAD meeting, October 24, 2022, 29 Heshvan 5783, 9:45am
Attendees: Sam Kapustin, Kal Feinberg, Marilyn Mack, Jack Martell, Marty Weisberg, Sabine Himmelfarb
Dvar Torah by Sam Kapustin: Parshat Noah. After Noah leaves the ark, he plants a vineyard. What sins were involved.? By
Noah, by Ham, by Shem and Yafet? Shem and Yafet, who were not always in agreement with each other, nevertheless
managed to cooperate and show respect, a good message for board members.
1. Minutes of last meeting were accepted.
2. Rosh Hashana/Yom Kippur – Feedback was very positive overall and the tefillot went well. Additions for next year‐
We will consider having official ushers in the future to avoid awkward interactions about seating etc. Everyone is
reminded to be very welcoming, especially to strangers. We will clarify in advance what tefillot will be said in order
to avoid confusion. The upstairs Ulam allowed for 70 seats.
3. Membership and finances‐ Membership is currently 76‐78 people. Members from last year signed up again and we
have had good retention of members. Revenue (since start of bank account) has been IS 53,443. Expenses have
been IS 14,565 in that same period. Balance is 38,978 IS. We will need to keep funds available for rent (next
installment due in November), for paying a shomer when we need one, and for future activities. KST is now in the
long process of setting up a bank account in the name of our Amuta.
4. KST thanks Marilyn and Lewis Mack for donating two lightweight folding tables to facilitate set‐up for Kiddush. KST
also thanks Elana and Yossi Cohn of Bergenfield, NJ (the Himmelfarbs’ daughter and son‐in‐law for donating
Machzorim and Siddurim.
5. Expanded use of Beit Frankforter facilities‐ Discussed what areas we may want permission to use for what
purposes. Regular use of upstairs Ulam would require both time‐consuming arranging and rearranging, as well as a
regular shomer and is not necessary right now. It was decided to request use of storage space in back of main floor
Ulam for Keter cabinet, tables and for coats during winter. Also, will request use of that room for Kiddush. It was
decided that presently we will see if we have permission to store a small office size refrigerator in the back room. If
we are unable to store a refrigerator, we can continue to use ice chests etc.
6. Kiddushim: KST will have a monthly kiddush on Shabbat mevorchim with spreadsheet provided for members to
bring items. If members want to give a personal Kiddush on a given week, they should contact Marilyn and she will
keep a list of weeks which are reserved for personal kiddush. People giving personal kiddush will do their own
shopping, etc. New kashrut policy will require that NO home‐made items be brought and all purchased items have a
Hashgacha. Mazal tov announcements should be sent to Jerry Frankel or Kal Feinberg to announce on whatsapp.
7. Daily minyan‐ Discussion of whether daily minyan could be held at BF with BF’s consent or in a rented tent legally
placed near Derech Hevron buildings during winter months. If BF is an option for daily minyan, we would need to
determine that enough people would come.
8. Tzedakah‐ The Yizkor appeal provided approximately 2200 shekel to Beit Frankforter (Agudat Ezrah L’Kashish) for
which BF was very grateful. KST now has a general Tzedaka fund which will be used for various worthy causes.
9. Membership list will be provided to members only by email after members are given opportunity to opt‐out of
having their name listed. Members will also be asked not to provide the list to non‐members.
10. Future sites: Sam will approach Elad, the organization which plans to build on the site behind Hevron 85‐93, to
consider including space for KST. We plan to remain aware of any possible future location.
Meeting adjourned 11:15am
Submitted by Sabine Himmelfarb