Page 173 - Tzurba M'Rabanan Volume1
P. 173

ןנברמ אברוצ                                                    שארה תואפ תוכלה · 171

        to [the hairline] behind his ear and to [the hairline of]    ונזא  ירוחאל  ויעדצ  הושמה  הז  ושאר  ףוס  והזיאו
        his forehead,” he [Rivan] wrote: “Behind his ears there    וחצמב ךכו םולכ רעש ןיא ונזא ירוחא בתכ ותחדפלו
        is no hair at all, and similarly on his forehead, there is    םאו רעש שי עצמאבש ויעדצב לבא םולכ רעש ןיא
        no hair at all. But his temples in the middle do have
        hair, and if one levels and removes all the hair on his    ירוחא  תדמל  ויעדצבש  רעשה  לכ  לטונו  הושמ  אוה
        temples to the extent equal to that of behind his ears    ןיאו אוה בר הז רועישו ל"כע שארה ףוס םוקמ והז ונזא
        and his forehead; this is the place of the extremity of    והימו עברא םע ןכש לכו תורעש םיעברא םע ךרע ול
        the head.” Now this measurement is large, and there   רועיש בחורל אלא ארועיש ביהי אל ם"במרהד רשפא
        is  no  comparison  with  forty  hairs  [which  is  much   הכרא רועישב אלא ירייא אל י"שרו הכראל אלו האפה
        less], and certainly not four.  However,  perhaps  the   אלד עמשמ םוקמ לכמו ירייא אל הבחר רועישב לבא
        Rambam is only referring to the width of the pe’ah   ריישמד ןויכ אהד האפ לש הבחרמ תצק חלגל רסתימ
        [i.e., the area] but not to the length [of the hairs],    ותחדפלו ונזא ירוחאל ויעדצ הושמ וניא ירה תצקמ
        and Rashi [i.e., the Rivan] is referring only to the    הושמ אוה םאו בתכש י"שר ירבדמ ןכ קדקדל שי תצקו
        length of the pe’ah, but is not referring to the width.    ולטנב אקודד עמשמ 'וכו ויעדצבש רעשה לכ לטונו
        In any event, it seems that there is no prohibition to
        shave a small portion of the width of the pe’ah, for since    בחורב ךחרכ לעו ירש ותצק לוטיל לבא רסאד אוה ולוכ
        he leaves a little, he has not leveled his temples to be    וניא ןיידע ותצק לוטיש יפ לע ףא אנווג יאהכבד ירייא
        like behind his ear and his forehead. There is a slight    ולוכ ונלטיש דע ותחדפלו ונזא ירוחאל ויעדצ הושמ
        indication of this in the words of Rashi [i.e., Rivan]   תצק חלגמ אוהשכד יריימ ךרואבד רמולו קוחדל שיו
        who writes: “If one levels and removes all the hair on   ותחדפלו ונזא ירוחאל ויעדצ הושמ וניא הטמלמ האפה
        his temples,” implying that only if he removed all the            :הלעמ דצמ חלגיש דע
        hair would it be prohibited, but to remove part would
        be permitted.And this must be referring to the width,
        for only in this case if he were to remove part, he is still not levelling [the hair of] his temples to behind the ear and
        his forehead, until it is all removed. One can explain with difficulty that it refers to the length, as if he removes
        a small amount of the pe’ah below, he does not level [the hair of] his temples to that behind his ears and
        forehead until he removes it from above.

        The Smag also questions the Rambam based on a Tosefta that if one cuts off two hairs, he violates the
        prohibition of cutting one’s pe’ot.

        r     Sefer Mitzvot Gadol (Smag),                    זנ ןיואל | לודג תווצמ רפס   . 33
             Negative Commandment 57               ,רועיש םימכח הל ונתנ אל עדצב ןיחינמש וז האיפו

        [Concerning] this pe’ah that we leave by the temple,   חיני  אלש  ונינקזמ  ונלבקו  ונעמש  :השמ  וניבר  בתכו
        the Sages did not give a measurement for it, and   בשייתהל  שיש  ינא  רמואו  ,תורעש  העבראמ  תוחפ
        Rabbeinu Moshe [Rambam] writes that we have   שי )ד"ה ד"פ( תוכמד אתפסותב אינתד םושמ רבדב
        heard and received from our elders that one may   :ףיקמ םושמו ריזנ םושמ בייחו תורעש יתש שלות
        not leave less than four hairs, and I say that this
        matter must be considered carefully, for we have
        learned in a Tosefta (Makkot 4:4) that “there is [a
        case of] one who detaches two hairs and is liable
        for [violating the transgression of]  nazir [cutting
        hair while a nazirite] and makif [rounding the pe’ot].”

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