Page 52 - Tourism Legislation
P. 52

3.  If such crime causes damage to any of the means of carriage

                   by air set for thin the preceding two items or if it is intended to

                   force  the  State  or  any  of  the  authorities  or  organizations

                   thereof to make or refrain from an action

               4.  If  the  perpetrator  is  a  foreigner  existing  in  Egypt,  in  case

                   he/she is not surrendered.

               Article 179:

               Authorities  of  fact  finding,  investigation  and  trial  shall  be

               competent  to  the  procedures  prescribed  in  this  law  and  in  the

               Criminal  Procedure Act  regarding the  crimes  committed  abroad

               and the provisions of this law are applied thereto.

                   Cairo  Criminal  Court  or  Abdin  Summary  Court,  as  the  case

               may be, shall be competent to adjudicate such crimes.

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