Page 10 - Eco-School Newsletter Summer-One-English
P. 10

Resources for Pollution and Transport

                                            Map Exercise - FP

        Develop mapping skills, positional language, and problem solving with this

        transport activity booklet which explores journeys to schools, how to keep

              safe and make choices which are good for you and the environment.

                             Click here for slides accompanying the activity.

                           Exploring Air Pollution - FP and KS2

        Explore air pollution in Wales through fun interactive activities with the Welsh

                                        Government’s Young Dragons.

                                      Smarter Journeys - KS2

        Consider why the choices we make to take sustainable and active journeys
         are important and can make an impact with this powerpoint from Sustrans.

                  Making Transport Sustainable - KS2 and KS3

        A comprehensive resource to help learners explore issues around transport
        and the need for sustainable options. There’s a version suitable for Key Stage

                             Two as well as a resource for Key Stage Three.

                                    Air Quality in Wales - KS3

        Find  out  more  about  air  pollution  and  use  the  Citizen  Science  tools to

                             understand how it is affecting your local area.
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