Page 7 - Newsletter Vol 1 Issue 6 - YTD Corporate Performance 9Nov2021 V02
P. 7
Figure 7: Organisational Capacity Perspective Performance
As shown in Figure 7 above, Q3 performance in the The fifth objective – SO-12: Improve Organisational
Organisational Capacity perspective recorded an Culture – showed a decrease in performance in Q3,
improvement by 0.47 over Q2. The objectives with a score of 0. This objective is measured by
driving this perspective are Improve Technology, three KPIs, two of which are annual measures
Improve Business Continuity, Strengthen which will be evaluated later this month using the
Corporate Governance, Improve Organisational Gallup Q12 survey. The remaining KPI seeks to
Culture, and Improve Knowledge, Skills and measure the core values behaviour through the
Attitudes. Performance across four of these awarding of ResPECT badges.
objectives met and exceeded the targeted
performance of 9 for Q3.
Contact us: | Angela Lowe: | Atiba Griffith: |
Suzette Clarke: | Jackie Niles-Squires: | Website:
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