Page 3 - Newsletter Vol 1 Issue 6 - YTD Corporate Performance 9Nov2021 V02
P. 3
Goal: ≥9
Figure 3: Corporate Performance
Overall corporate performance is determined by the aggregate performance of the four interconnected
perspectives – Stakeholders, Financial/Stewardship, Business Processes, and Organisational Capacity – over
the period.
As shown in Figure 3 above, the Council achieved an overall score of 7.76 by the end of Q3. The targeted
score was 9. After a slight dip in performance in Q2 (mostly caused by a decline in the Stakeholder and
Customer Satisfaction objective – from 7.44 in Q1 to 6.6), Q3 saw a slight improvement (+0.27) on par with
performance in Q1. Improvements in the performance of the Organisational Capacity and Stakeholder
perspectives aided in the improvement observed.