Page 2 - Newsletter Vol 1 Issue 6 - YTD Corporate Performance 9Nov2021 V02
P. 2

Weightings of the Perspectives

             Figure  2  shows  the  weighting  of  each  of  the  four

             Consistent  with  the  Council’s  primary  focus  on  its
             stakeholders,  the  Stakeholders  perspective  was
             assigned the highest weight.

             Conversely,  while  it  is  recognised  that  the  Financial
             perspective  is  critical  to  execution  of  the  Council’s
             strategic  and  operational  imperatives,  the  lowest
             weight assigned to this perspective is representative of
             the fact that the Council is not financially driven.

             Equal  weight  was  assigned  to  the  remaining  two
             perspectives  –  Organisational  Capacity  and  Business
                                                                          Figure 2: Weightings of Perspectives

             Scoring Explained

             Spider Impact (formerly called Quickscore) – the software that is used to manage the Council’s Balanced
             Scorecard – assigns to the actual performance values that are provided for the given measures (KPIs), a
             normalised score between 0 and 10 and an associated colour based on the scoring type and thresholds
             assigned to the measure.

             But what is meant by “normalised score,” you might wonder.  In order to evaluate corporate performance
             across the myriad of different measures with distinctly different types of values (for example, percentage of X
             (“apples”) or number of Y (“oranges”), a common scoring system that will allow for the equitable comparison
             of “apples” to “oranges” is needed.  Spider Impact translates actual performance of “apples” and “oranges”
             against the defined thresholds for each measure and gives a normalised score for each one.  The average of
             the combined normalised scores, taking into account the weightings, gives the overall score.  Thresholds are
             defined values that determine if a metric is above, below, or within a target range.

             The Council uses a scoring type consisting of the following four colours:

                       Red                   Orange                   Yellow                  Green

                                      Undesirable - attention
                  Unacceptable                                 Undesirable - warning        Target met

             The colour coding gives easy, visual understanding of performance – at a glance, one can see those areas that
             are performing well and those that require improvement.  Should a grey colour be seen on the map for any
             objective, this would signify that no data was available to enable measurement of that particular objective at

             the time of preparation of the report – usually if the data reporting frequency has not yet come.   Using
             Figure 1 above, we can clearly see how the objectives performed up to the end of Q3, 2021.

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