Page 6 - Newsletter Vol 1 Issue 6 - YTD Corporate Performance 9Nov2021 V02
P. 6

Figure 6: Business Processes Perspective Performance

             The  Business  Processes  perspective  continued  to   compared  to  Q2  and  to  Q1,  contributed  to
             decline, decreasing by -0.31 in Q3 over Q2 as shown   improvement in the performance of this objective.
             in Figure 6 above.  This was attributed to a decrease
                                                                Conversely, there were declines in the performance
             in the performance of SO-06: Improve Product and
                                                                of  the  %  On-Time  Delivery  of  Results  KPI  which
             Service Quality (-1.06 over Q2), namely in the Test
                                                                resulted  from  a  shift  in  the  delivery  schedule  for
             Validity Criteria and % Error-free Marking measures.
                                                                CSEC and CAPE results due to a three-week period
             The decrease in the Test Validity Criteria measure   required by EDPD for reports and analysis of data to
             was  attributed  to  the  nondevelopment of  several   support grading activities.
             subjects at the time of compilation and submission
                                                                Delays  in  the  marking of  SBAs  due  to  technology
             of  the  initial  report  as  well  as  the  fact  that  the
                                                                challenges  led  to  a  delay  in  the  marking  of  the
             subjects  that  were  subsequently  developed  were
                                                                structured papers – 02 and 032 – and lead to the
             ones  with  depleted  subject  banks  and  hence  had
                                                                deadline  being  missed  for  three  subjects.  This
             parameters outside the required criteria.
                                                                resulted in a decline in performance of the % On-
             SO-07:  Increase  Operational  Efficiency  showed  an   Time Delivery of Marking KPI.
             increase  in  performance  by  0.45  over  Q2.
                                                                However, these slight declines were not enough to
             Significant  improvements  in  the  Delivery  of  the
                                                                result  in  a  decline  in  the  overall  performance  of
             Subject  Reports  KPI,  improving  by 38  per  cent  as

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