Page 5 - Newsletter Vol 1 Issue 6 - YTD Corporate Performance 9Nov2021 V02
P. 5

Figure 5: Financial Perspective Performance

             As shown in Figure 5 above, Financial performance   Over the past nine months, the Council was unable
             remained  steady  in  the  target  threshold,  with  a   to  increase  its  revenue  and,  in  fact,  achieved
             consistent score of 9 across the three quarters.    negative  results,  mainly  driven  by  a  marked
                                                                 reduction in subject and candidate entries and by
             This  perspective  is  driven  by  two  objectives  –
                                                                 persons  opting  to  defer  to  future  examination
             Increase  Revenue  and  Reduce  Cost,  with
                                                                 sittings.  However,  this  was  tempered  by  the
             weightings  of  10  and  90  per  cent  respectively.
                                                                 Council’s concerted efforts to reduce operational
             These  were  weighted  as  such  due  to  the  social
                                                                 costs and bad debt, the collection of outstanding
             economic factors that occur at a macro level that
                                                                 receivables,  and  the  timing  difference  of  some
             impact the Council’s ability to generate increased
                                                                 activities  –  such  as  syllabus  and  paper
             revenue,  exacerbated  by  the  current  pandemic.
                                                                 development  meetings  and  the  setup  of  the
             The   Council   therefore   focused   on   the
                                                                 Research Unit – that were scheduled to take place
             microeconomic  factors  within  its  control  to
                                                                 during the year.
             mitigate the impact.

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