Page 4 - Newsletter Vol 1 Issue 6 - YTD Corporate Performance 9Nov2021 V02
P. 4

Figure 4: Stakeholder Perspective Performance

             As shown in Figure 4 above, the performance of the   students,  teachers,  parents,  ministry  of  education
             Stakeholder  perspective  at  the  end  of  September   officials  and  higher  education  institutions,  and  to
             2021 showed an improvement by 0.78 over Q2.  The   keep them abreast of the work of the Council. These
             decrease  in  Q2  was  mainly  driven  by  stakeholder   strategies will include continuation of:
             dissatisfaction   with   the   rescheduling   of
                                                                 •  the  communications  campaign  to  introduce  all
             exams.  Additionally due to the cyclic nature of our
                                                                    stakeholder  groups  to  CXC’s  e-Transition
             examination process, levels of dissatisfaction tend to
             be higher at specific times (e.g., results release) and
             improve  between  the  examination  periods.        •  the garnering of feedback on the administration
             Customer  interaction,  which  is  also  measured,     of  examinations,  including  a  series  of
             fluctuates  during  the year.  Interaction  tends  to  be   engagement sessions which will gauge students’
             higher  around  examination  time  when  candidates    views  on  how  CXC  can  assist  them  on  their
             are  accessing  examination  information  such  as     educational journey;
                                                                 •  targeted promotion of the resources available to
             During this quarter and into 2022, several strategies   stakeholders such as Student Central and the CXC
             will  be  actioned  to  continue  to  understand  and   Learning Hub.
             respond  to  the  concerns  of  stakeholders  such  as

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