Page 1 - Newsletter Vol 1 Issue 6 - YTD Corporate Performance 9Nov2021 V02
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Committed to

               Our People…

               Shaping Our


             Volume 1 / Issue 6                                                              9 November 2021

                                                  CORPORATE PERFORMANCE REPORT:

                                                                    YEAR TO DATE
                                         In this newsletter, we highlight the organisation’s year-to-date (YTD) performance.
             A digitally transformed     The corporate strategy map at Figure 1 below provides a synopsis of the general
              enterprise providing
                                         performance of the objectives for the year.
              quality, relevant and
              globally recognised
              educational services.


             We develop the human
            capital of our Caribbean
                people through
             partnerships for global

                                                                Figure 2: Corporate Strategy Map
               CORE VALUES

           1.  Results Oriented
           2.  Professionalism
           3.  Excellence
           4.  Customer Focus
           5.  Teamwork

                                                              Figure 1: YTD Corporate Strategy Map
   1   2   3   4   5   6