Page 80 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 80
402 Records oj Bahrain
No. 430/.;/. of lo06
Office of the .ameer to
the I'.ovurnioont, Buhrein.
Jilted, il/iiwal ;;l. 1306
Say 31, 1037.
0. Palryraplu Bolgrave, Acquire, C.b.i..,
Adyiaer to the Government,
Hie Dritannio dnjeoty'u Politioul Agent,
I havo the honour to forward for your in for-
nation a copy of the Budget for tho Arebio year 1356
(March 13, 1937 - Mnroh 3, 1938) and a statement of
revonuo und expenditure for year 1356 (March 24,1936 -
Waroh 13, 1937). Thin is the twelfth Budget which
I huyo had the honour of presenting.
2. The Budget. Hovenuo.
Tho inoono from tho oil royalty hae now super
ceded customs roooipto ao tho ohiof oouroe of revenue.
In taking into nooount the revenue from oil 1 hays
inoluded only the aotual royalty due to the State from
shipments alroady Bade until the end of 1355. The
rovenuo from this oouroe will undoubtedly ho very nuoh
greeter then the sun I ha ye estimated.
I heye anticipated one lao sore reyenue from
customs rooeipts then the anount whioh I expected In