Page 81 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 81
Revenue-expenditure budgets 403
the Budget for your 1355 but this figure is more
than two Iuob looa thun the realised customs
ruvonuo for 1355. It otm bo aosumod that the
customs department will aoro than fulfill my
I oomo now to other aouroos of rovonuo
whioh together only lotul 60,000/- in the Budget.
Actually laat year over 3j 00,000/- was oolleoted from
these sources but without increasing any of those
taxes whioh consist neatly of fees and licenses,
it is unlikely that there will be any oonaidereble
change under these headings, exoept from the interest
on the Heserre whioh I hope to be able to inoroase.
I un confident that if it vrao necessary more reyenue
could be obtained from several of the earning depart
ments suoh as the hand, rtissport and Judicial Depart
ments where the fees and ohargea new levied are very
low in comparison to similar institutions elsewhere,
but though the country is nuoh more prosperous than
it wae a year or two ago I do not think it would be
reasonable to increase any form of taxation.
The total estimated revenue is Us 22,10,000/-
this is about eight lacs more than the moat prosperous
year in the history of Bahrain’s finanoee when the
pearl industry was flourishing before the years of
3. Expenditure.
The expenditure is divided into two parts,
recurrent expenditure, whioh ie the eost of afelnis-
tering and protecting the oountry and maintaining the
Ruling Family and Speoial Projoota whioh inoludes
the sew —