Page 85 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 85
Revenue-expenditure budgets 407
htifi boeu circulated by the camera in the bazaar
benefiting onopkoopero and norohanto and stimulating
trade* This io cepeoially true in the cane of
money spent on the Unnnnah Huharraq road whloh is
the oost of stones purohasud from the owners of
small boats. This work provided eoploynent for
nuwbcrs of non, during the months when there was
no diving, who would otherwise have boon unemployed.
7. In ay opinion it is incumbent on the
State to share the money uhioh it is getting from
oil with the people of the oountry, this aan beet
be done by giving employment to Bahrain subjects
on publio works ouoh tie road making, new build Inga
and ochomas suoh as tbo Mannaah - Muharraq road*
I think this la a more satisfactory and diroot
method of benefiting the publio, especially the
pooplo of tho country, than by reducing taxation*
I have the honour to be,
Your most obedient servant,
Adviser to the Government.