Page 90 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 90

412                       Records of Bahrain

                             Note dated the Slot August 1937 by O.K.Caroo Eaqulre,
                       CIE.   Off ic lft ting Political Rooldent in the Pore ion Gull*,

                                       Subjoot: Bahrain State Budget Eotimato
                                                for the Arable year 1356.

                               There ooema to be no prooeoo -

                                 (a)  for watching progress of actualo against
                                      allotmento ;
                                 (b)  fer oeourlng oanot ion to exceoo expenditure;

                                  (c)  for audit generally;
                                     Or io the new Treaoury Officer to do all this ?
                               With the vast increase of prosperity in Bahrain, reflect­

                        ed in budgets which suggest that expenditure will be hard put to
                        it to keep place with income, it seems essential to get Bahrai n
                        finances strictly overhauled and placed on a more regular
                       tyotera.   Sir Trenohard Fowle touched on this in a conversation

                        with Mr.Belgrave and mysolf Just before his departure on leave,
                        and I will try to make an opportunity for sane discussion with

                        Mr. Bolgrave during the oomlng months.      The point to remember
                        io that there is perhaps more peril, though of a different
                        sort, in bursting raoney-^ags than in empty ones,      One sugges-

                        tion was to put an Offioer wlith experience of the control of
                        finance in Indian States on special duty to overhaul the
                        Bahrain administrative organization.

                                A copy of this note might be sent by demi-official
                        letter to Captain Hickinbotham for oanment.

                                                              Id. O.K.Caroe.
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