Page 90 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 90
412 Records of Bahrain
Note dated the Slot August 1937 by O.K.Caroo Eaqulre,
CIE. Off ic lft ting Political Rooldent in the Pore ion Gull*,
Subjoot: Bahrain State Budget Eotimato
for the Arable year 1356.
There ooema to be no prooeoo -
(a) for watching progress of actualo against
allotmento ;
(b) fer oeourlng oanot ion to exceoo expenditure;
(c) for audit generally;
Or io the new Treaoury Officer to do all this ?
With the vast increase of prosperity in Bahrain, reflect
ed in budgets which suggest that expenditure will be hard put to
it to keep place with income, it seems essential to get Bahrai n
finances strictly overhauled and placed on a more regular
tyotera. Sir Trenohard Fowle touched on this in a conversation
with Mr.Belgrave and mysolf Just before his departure on leave,
and I will try to make an opportunity for sane discussion with
Mr. Bolgrave during the oomlng months. The point to remember
io that there is perhaps more peril, though of a different
sort, in bursting raoney-^ags than in empty ones, One sugges-
tion was to put an Offioer wlith experience of the control of
finance in Indian States on special duty to overhaul the
Bahrain administrative organization.
A copy of this note might be sent by demi-official
letter to Captain Hickinbotham for oanment.
Id. O.K.Caroe.