Page 94 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 94
416 Records of Bahrain
XII* Other Considerations#
A. It io dear from the above that given
froedora from warf promature failure of the oil
field or othor major calamity, the future of Bah
rain can be comfortably assured# But wo have not
yot considered what portion of the royalties la
required for ourrent expenditure while the Reserve
is being built up# Though we might accept the
figure in 1(b)(11) above for normal recurring
expenditure during this period — i#e# Re# 12J
lakhs, wo can safely take a better figure than
that in 1(b)(1) for lncorao# During the period
now under consideration oil will be flowing and
money will be eosy in Bahrain# Consequently Cus
toms receipts will be high, in faot pretty well
what they are at present# I should estimate nor
mal income from all souroos except oil to average
not loss than Rs# 8£ lakhs (more probably Rs# 9
Idylser con
firms this lakhs) per annum during this period# Thus, to meet
the average expenditure budget of Rs# 12£ lakhs,
Bit 3*> lakhs on Bahrain roust divert Rs# 4 lakhs annually «nrran*ky
' *?r* s compu-
n# from oil royalties. This is, as suggested above,
probably more than is actually necessary but could
bo regarded as an outside figure#
B# It is clear enough that heavy non-recur
ring expenditure must be contemplated in the next
few years. There is much to do in improving Pub
lic Health (Sanitation, Hospitals eto) Agriculture,
Communications and Education# Not only la it right
to spend freely on such services, but circumstances
will drive the Bahrain Government to do so# There
will be pressure both from outside and irtm within,
and the safe course, which no doubt coincides with
inclination/-* • »