Page 97 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 97

Revenue-expenditure budgets               419


                all roads in Towns, and poosibly all through the
                two Islands.
                       The above can, I think, be reasonably re­
                garded as the moot pessimistic possible forecast*
                The present oil field may well be 100% more pro­
                ductive than assumed, and doepor boring may also
                double production* But more optimistic forecasts
                should await events and for the^imo being there

                is as much money in sight as can ^comfortably handled.

                                        M.     // .      /-A—J


                       t,        3i\pC*'a.  as Cuatouv.  U 3.o .K)P .8S >>-S,

           d 11 jit | b"]                  «.«- *4j.v 3-0 • P* U-Ho   c|. 1iJiiJ^-j


   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102