Page 98 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 98
420 Records of Bahrain
D.O. No. C/229-4/1 Dated the 6th April 1939
TOBk. .......
lefuj 3f
Y/ilJ/you please refer to your demi-official letter
No. 297-S dated the 3rd April 1939 7
2. The arrangement is that the Shaikh retains one third
of the oil royalties, and hands over two thirds to the State.
(The Shaikh's share is, of course, in addition to the Civil
List which comes to about 4$ lakh3 annually).
3. The oil royalty for 1938 was Rs 35,02,184, or just over
£ 260,000; of this the Shaikh takes £ 87,500 and the State gets
£ 172,500.
Yours sincerely,
Honourable Lieutenant-Colonel
Sir Trenchard Fowle, K.C.I.E., C.B.E.,
Political Resident in the Persian Gulf,