Page 96 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 96

410                       Records of Bahrain


                              V. Final Remarks*
                                    It lo unlikely that the flow of receipts
                             from oil royaltioo v/illbo a steady figuro overy
                             year and the length of life of the field, opart from
                             the guoao work invo3.vcd, clearly dependo on the vol­
                             ume of oil extraoted annually whioh in turn depends
                             on markets and numerous other factors* Thus some

                             adjustment will b e necessary overy year in the
                             amount to bo invested, but it seems clear that the
                             figures to be almod at arei-
                                  1* Diversion of a maximum of Rs. lakhs
                             annually from royaltioo for current expenditure,
                             until increasing receipts from investments make
                             it possible to effect a progressive reduction in

                             this figure*
                                  2* Investment of Re* 14 lakhs annually as a
                             minimum average figuro. It may be difficult to
                             reach this figuro in the first year or two, but ^
                             should be exceeded by a progressively increasing

                              sum thereafter as the flow of interest accelerates.
                              At this average, the requisite reserve figuro will
                             be reaohod in juet over 13 yoars, thus providing
                              an additional factor of safoty,
                                   3. At a fairly oarly otage it might be con­
                              sidered whether soy Rs. 20 lakhs or the surplus of
                              Ro* 49 lakhs assumed in IV (6) above should not be
                              anticipated and invested in agriculture (improvement

                              and conservation of land and water) in the definite
                              expectation of - say - a 2return. This might
                              involve* some small postponement of "security invest­
                              ments" but not necessarily if oil production exceeds

                              average in the early years, ae appoara probable,   Even
                              so, there should be a balance of Re. 29 lakhs which
                              can be used for useful purposes such as macadamising
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