Page 92 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 92

414                       Records oj Bahrain

                                   Formation of a Resorvo Fund for Bahrain.

                               X* Data.
                                  (a) Excluding the possibility of now oil deposits
                 • The indica-
                 •lons at pre-   boing found at greater depths than the preeent pro­
                 jpnt are fairly
                 lopoful.      ducing wello and of other deposits in the Unallotted
                               Area, wo must first make a guoos at the possible
                               yield from the oxisting Bapoo Field. Bapco people

                               are very chary of offering any estimate, but we
                               have the followingi-
                                    (i) A Refinery is already working, capable
                               of dealing with roughly one million tons of oil
                               per annum, and it seemo to be the general Impression
                               that it will bo working for fully 15 years. Actual­

                                ly the indications are that more than one million
                                tons of crude oil will pass through the guages this
                               year, and consequently a million tons a year is pro­
                                bably a minimum figure. It is believed that the Com­
                                pany has sunk £4 millions, and they would not have

                                done that if they feared any possibility of an early
                                dry-up. Thus allowing for a minimum yield of one
                                million tons for 16 years, royalty on 16 million
                                tons (allowing for deductions for local use) can
                                be put at Re. 440 lakhs.

                                     (ii) In January 1937 Colonel Looh was told by
                                 Mr. Herron, President of Bapco, that the estimated
                                amount of oil available was 100,000,000 barrels.
                                Incidentally he himself estimated the lifd of the
                                field at 16 to 20 years, confirming the assumption
                                made in (i) above. Again allowing for local use,
                                we might convert Mr. Herron* s figure into 12i mil­
                                lion tons paying royalty. This again gives a rough

                                total of 440 lakhs of rupees in royalty.
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