Page 93 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 93
Revenue-expenditure budgets 415
(I) In tho worst year I oan find, Bahrain
State Income from all sources excluding oil was
nmountod to Its. 6,71,000, We should, therefore,
bo safe in taking Rs. 6J lakhs as the worst pro
bable inoomo when oil closes down.
(ii) Excluding spocial items of new expendi
ture (non-recurring) and His Highness' share of
oil royalties, the current year's expenditure bud
get is roughly Rs. 10 lakhs* This budget was framed
in the comfortable knowledge that there would be
no shortage of money and/therefore not a "pinched"
budget. But oxpanBion of Public Health, Agricul
ture and Education Departments — and probably
Public Works (recurring) is inevitable and a nor
mal expenditure budget should not bo anticipated
at less than Rs. 12£ lakhs. This will allow for
something to come and go on, but seems to me a
fair figure.
II. Deductions*
(a) It follows from (b)(i) and (ii) above
that Bahrain, to be on the safe side, requires an
additional permanent income of Rs* 6 lakhs per
(b) If Government stocks or other gilt-edged
Present invest ♦
ments yield 3*}%. (trust) securities oan be purchased to yield 8%
on capital, tho sura to be invested in order to pro
duce an income of Rs* 6 lakhs is roughly Rs. 200
lakhs. Existing investments total roughly Rs* 13
lakhs leaving Rs. 187 lakhs to go •
(c) The expected minimum total royalty la
Rs* 440 lakhs, of which ^ goes to His Highness the
Shaikh, leaving roughly Rs. 293 lakhs for the State*