Page 93 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 93

Revenue-expenditure budgets              415


                     (I) In tho worst year I oan find, Bahrain
                State Income from all sources excluding oil was

                nmountod to Its. 6,71,000,   We should, therefore,
                bo safe in taking Rs. 6J lakhs as the worst pro­
                bable inoomo when oil closes down.
                     (ii) Excluding spocial items of new expendi­
                ture (non-recurring) and His Highness' share of
                oil royalties, the current year's expenditure bud­
                get is roughly Rs. 10 lakhs* This budget was framed

                in the comfortable knowledge that there would be
                no shortage of money and/therefore not a "pinched"
                budget. But oxpanBion of Public Health, Agricul­
                ture and Education Departments — and probably
                Public Works (recurring) is inevitable and a nor­
                mal expenditure budget should not bo anticipated

                at less than Rs. 12£ lakhs. This will allow for
                something to come and go on, but seems to me a
                fair figure.

                II. Deductions*
                     (a) It follows from (b)(i) and (ii) above
                that Bahrain, to be on the safe side, requires an
                additional permanent income of Rs* 6 lakhs per

                     (b)  If Government stocks or other gilt-edged
  Present invest­                                                  ♦
  ments yield 3*}%. (trust) securities  oan be purchased to yield 8%
                on capital, tho sura to be invested in order to pro­
                duce an income of Rs* 6 lakhs is roughly Rs. 200

                lakhs. Existing investments total roughly Rs* 13
                lakhs leaving Rs. 187 lakhs to go •
                      (c)  The expected minimum total royalty la
                Rs* 440 lakhs, of which ^ goes to His Highness the
                Shaikh, leaving roughly Rs. 293 lakhs for the State*

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