Page 91 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 91
Revenue-expenditure budgets 413
D.O. No. T/124-4/1. The 3cptember lp37.
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With reference to yeLr-^onfident.ial Assistant's
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demi-official letter Mo. 635-S dated August 24th 1937.
I am entirely in agreement with the viev/s put forward
in your note of the 21st August. There is no system
in Bahrain and there is much too much money being dealt
with noY/ to permit of the old method of budgeting being
continued with safety. The nev/ accounts man would be
quite capable of running a system bi t I am doubtful
if he will be able to initiate one. I suggest that
a skilled accountant be obtained for a short period I
to overhaul the system as you suggest and if the Government
of India cannot produce anyone then possibly the
Colonial Office might be able to provide a man from *
Palestine or Trans-Jordan. They have a special finance
service I believe and would be accustomed to dealing
with the finance of small places like Bahrain. V/e must
avoid becoming over officered like Zanzibar v/as and I
do not advise the creation of any m re permanent posts.
The Honourable
Mr. O.K. Caroe C.I.iS., I.C.S.,
Political Resident in the
Persian Gulf, Bushire.